Season Five
A first season for the club to start without any Spanish players in the squad
Pos Played Won Lost Drew Goals For Goals Against Goal Diff Pts Cup
11 22 3 16 2 63 95 -32 10 Did not join
Season Four
A return to competition with new faces and new hopes!
Pos Played Won Lost Drew Goals For Goals Against Goal Diff Pts Cup
7 22 7 12 3 71 103 -27 24 Did not join
Season Three
The season that never was as Spain adjusted to the New Normal!
Competition Cancelled
Season Two
As the Exiles get into their rhythm, the season is cut short by the apocalypse
Pos Played Won Lost Drew Goals For Goals Against Goal Diff Pts Cup
9. 15 3 7 5 35 40 -15 14 CANCELLED
Season One
The inaugural season, the good ship Britannia sails the stormy Sunday league...
Div 3
Pos Played Won Lost Drew Goals For Goals Against Goal Diff Pts Cup
11. 22 5 14 3 61 93 -32 18 Group Stage
Club Records
Most Appearances:
Wells 78 Apps League and Cup (2018- )
Gilman 75 Apps League and Cup (2018- )
Shaw 74 Apps League and Cup (2018-23)
Ferns 67 Apps League and Cup (2018- )
Most Goals:
Morris 35 League Goals (2018- )
Lepore 30 League Goals (2021-23)
Bates 19 League Goals (2021-22)
Pernas 17 League Goals (2018- )
Peribañez 17 League Goals (2018-22)
Shaw 13 League Goals (2018- )
Most Yellow Cards : Wolfenden 9 (2019 -22 )
Bates 9 (2021-22)
Most Red Cards : Wolfenden 2 (2019 - )
Fastest Goal: Bates v El Metodo 21/11/21 15 seconds
Most goals in a game:
Morris 5 v Estrella Aragon 10/10/2019
Lepore 5 v XIXI GOLS 13/02/2022
Most matches won in a row 3 (Nov 14 2021 - Nov 28 2021)
Most matches lost in a row 10 (January 15 2023- March 19 2023)
Most matches without a win 11 (January 15 2023 - March 26 2023)
Biggest victory : 6-1 Estrella Aragon (10/10/2019)
Heaviest defeat : 0-7 v Los Suaves (3/3/2019)
Highest scoring game : 13 - 7-6 v XIXIGOLS 13/02/2022
13 - 4-9 v Real Zaragollas 02/04/2023
Roll call of honour, the former players : The Dearly Departed