Present Perfect Continuous
Past Tense Index / Past Simple / Past Simple further functions / Irregular Verbs / Past Continuous / Past Continuous further functions / Past Simple or Past Continuous / Used to / Present Perfect / Present Perfect further functions / Present Perfect Continuous / Present Perfect Simple or Continuous / Past Perfect / Past Perfect Continuous / Past Perfect Simple or Past Perfect Continuous / Future in the Past
The Present Perfect Continuous is formed by using the auxiliary verb Have in the present simple followed by BEEN and the action in the gerund form.
Subject + HAVE/HAS + BEEN + Gerund + Object
Subject + HAVE NOT/HAS NOT + BEEN + Gerund + Object

We use the Present Perfect Continuous to talk about:
one ongoing action
The Present Perfect Continuous can be used to talk about a single activity that began in the past and continues in the present:
recent past activities
The Present Perfect Continuous can be used to talk about an activity completed in the recent past.
repeated ongoing events
The Present Perfect Continuous can be used to talk about repeated activities which started at a specific time in the past and continue in the present.
duration of activity with How long...?
The Present Perfect Continuous is often used in questions and answers about the duration of an activity.

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