Titanic Tales
Allen, Miss Elisabeth Walton
Passenger: 1st Class
30 Sept 1882
St. Louis, Missouri, USA
14 Dec 1967
Tunbridge Wells, Kent, England
Miss Walton was engaged to marry physician James Beaver Mennell, whom she met when spending time with her maternal aunt Mrs. Elisabeth McMillan Robert and her cousin, daughter of Mrs. Robert, Georgette Madill.
Elisabeth travelled on Titanic to return to St. Louis to settle her affiars in preperation for marriage. She travelled with her aunt and cousin and her aunt's maid Emilie Kreuchen.
Elisabeth claims to have seen a line of stokers, some sixteen or eighteen get into the boat before Officer Lightoller shouted at them to "get out!" None of the family party recalled hearing the band.
She escaped on lifeboat 2 along with her cousin Georgette, her aunt Elisabeth and maid Emilie. Boat 2 was the first to be rescued by Carpathia and Elisabeth claims to have been the first person to mount the ladder, so has the honour of the first person "to safety".
Miss Allen's stay in the US was brief and she bravely returned to the UK with both her aunt and cousin, this time on the Baltic after a few weeks. On 11 July 1912 Elisabeth and her sister Clare marched down the aisle in their double wedding in West London. Their maid of honour was Georgette Madill. Elisabeth and James would have three sons. Elisabeth passed away after suffering a stroke in 1967.

St. Louis, Missouri, USA
Primary source : Encyclopaedia Titanica