Can / Could / Dare / Have to / May / Might / Must / Need (to) / Ought to / Shall / Should / Use(d) to / Will / Would
Review Modal verbs by function here
Future (formal or emphatic)
Predictions and intentions
Future (formal or emphatic)
Shall is often considered a formal or more emphatic alternative to will when we talk about the future, but most commonly when asking questions, making suggestions or asking for advice
Shall I prepare the table for you?
Shall I leave you alone?
What shall I do with the left overs?
We use shall rather than will to make predictions or talk about future intentions in more formal contexts
I shall always remember our wedding day
More information on will or shall is available here
Commands (formal)
Shall can be used in formal contexts to give commands/instructions, like public notices:
Gates shall be closed two minutes before trains depart