Present Continuous 2
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Further Functions
We use the Present Continuous to:
talk about temporary states
A state that is true around the moment of speaking but temporary
Are they living together now?
Only until she finds a new flat.
What do you want to do while you are staying here?
talk about repeated temporary events
A repeated action which we believe to be temporary
He is living in Glasgow while he finishes the contract
I'm not eating ice cream this month
talk about change
the present continuous can be used to talk about a gradual change
They are building a new football stadium on the old factory site
James is getting better after his accident.
to criticise consistent unwanted behaviour
the present continuous is often used with adverbs of frequency to complain about behaviour that is unwanted
She is always cleaning the house. It drives me mad
I'm constantly losing my glasses!
Related Topics
Present Continuous form and function here
What is happening now
Present Simple form and function here
Facts/Opinions/Habitual Actions. Exceptions & Spelling notes
Present Simple further functions here
Instructions & Directions/Stories & Commentaries/Performative utternaces/Newspaper Headlines
Present Simple or Present Continuous here
Permananent or Temporary states/Stative or Dynamic verbs