As Aragón moves back into phase 2 following a recent surge in COVID 19 cases, the Heraldo finds that the general public approves of the move to mandatory masks and believe it “should have been implemented earlier.”
Aragón has been one of the more exemplary autonomous regions in numbers of cases, perhaps due to strict adherence to social distancing, location, sheer luck or any number of factors it seems impossible to determine at present.
However, the recent easing of social restrictions and end of the ‘state of alarm’ has come at the cost of outbreaks across the region and country, forcing locals back into a ‘flexible’ version of phase 2.
According to government information, the ‘flexible phase 2’ includes:
- The obligatory use of face masks
- 75% capacity in shops, swimming pools, establishments and cultural events
- Hostelry at 50% interior, table service only and 75% on terraces
- No timetable restrictions
- No limitations on movement
As well as an appeal for social responsibility.
The Heraldo interviewed shoppers passing through the city centre the day before the mandatory face mask regulation came into play and found an absolute consensus that the masks are a necessary inconvenience in combatting the spread of the virus. Although, there is concern that politicians in congress are not leading by example, as well as the problem of terrace culture meaning groups of people socialise without masks.
It remains to be seen if the fines of up to 100 euros for breaking these restrictions will have the desired impact.
What is your opinion on the obligatory use of face masks? Let us know below